Ag Innovation Showcase daagt Nederlandse bedrijven uit voor pitch

2015, 02 juni

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Ag-Innovation-Showcase-Logo_Sans-TaglineVan 14 tot 16 september is in St. Louis (USA) de Ag Innovation Showcae 2015, een jaarlijks terugkerend event, waar Nederland partnerland is. De beursorganisatie en de landbouwraad van de Nederlandse ambassade in Washington zoekt “Agriculture-focussed Innovations” van bedrijven die dit in St. Louis willen presenteren. Van deze kandidaten worden er 2 geselecteerd, deze bedrijven mogen hun innovatie presenteren tijdens het event. De kosten van deelname ($ 15.000) worden betaald door de landbouwraad van de ambassade in Washington, reis en verblijfkosten zijn voor eigen rekening.

Meer informatie in deze uitnodigingsbrief van de Ag Innovation Showcase organisatie.

Dear GMV or FME member,

The Agricultural Councilor at the Dutch Embassy in Washington in partnership with the Ag Innovation Showcase would like to encourage you to apply to present your agriculture-focused innovation at the 2015 Ag Innovation Showcase in St. Louis, MO, USA on September 14-16, 2015.

Why Apply?
The Ag Innovation Showcase is the premier agri-tech event to form strategic partnerships and market your company/technology to global Ag industry leaders, universities, investors, and government representatives. Since the event’s inception in 2009, 97{79a1d8301988f39a8c3c8f67223bbd83ba5671ad737bd97a5fd6a78f8aad5391} of presenters found potential partners, 83{79a1d8301988f39a8c3c8f67223bbd83ba5671ad737bd97a5fd6a78f8aad5391} found potential investors, and presenting companies have raised over $430M post- Showcase. Previous attendees include: The World Bank, Stanford University, BASF, USDA ARS, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dow AgroSciences and many more.

As a Country Partner-sponsored presenter, benefits include: complimentary conference passes, facilitated meetings and introductions, and access to a world-class mentorship program to put your best foot forward for your Showcase presentation.

Who Should Apply?
Whether you have a cutting-edge, early stage Ag company or a research project with commercial potential, Ag Innovation Showcase presenter applicants cut across a wide breadth of technologies, including but not limited to: ag-bio, renewable energy, sustainable materials, food production, animal health and farming technologies. You can take a look at our past presenters here.

How to Apply
Applications are now open through June 15th. For the latest Showcase information, visit: Please contact Marcel van Haren at GMV/FME Cluster Agri & Food to learn more about this exclusive Country Partnership opportunity. To stay up to date with event updates, join the Showcase mailing list here.

Thank you,

Ton Akkerman & Caroline Feitel
Agricultural Council, Dutch Embassy Washington

Marcel van Haren
Director GMV, Manager FME Cluster Agri & Food

More information & Application
2015 Ag Innovation Showcase Presenting Company Timeline
2015 Ag Innovation Showcase Presenters Brief
2015 Ag Innovation Showcase Presenting Company Application Form

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