Holland Meeting Point & Holland Seminar & Holland Network Cocktail – VIV Asia Bangkok

The Netherlands welcomes you at the VIV Asia, booth AP20 in the lobby!
GMV/FME organises a Holland Meeting Point & Business Lounge in collaboration with the Topsector Agri & Food during the VIV Asia from 15-17 March. This meeting point for Dutch and international companies is at booth number AP20 in the lobby.

With almost 900 international exhibitors, VIV Asia offers a unique selection, compromising global market leaders and regional as well as national Asian players of growing importance. Professionals active in the production of pig meat, poultry meat, eggs, fish and dairy all have numerous reasons to meet up in Bangkok. This year focus is on the Feed to Food concept. Feed to Food brings together supply and demand within the complete animal protein chain. The driver behind the chain concept is that animal feed and animal health are vital for meat quality and safety. VIV Asia will represent every step in the meat-, seafood and dairy production process

Furthermore, we would like to invite Dutch exhibitors and their business partners for the Holland Seminar and the Holland Network Cocktail on Wednesday 15 March. Please see the invitations including the registration links below:

Invitation Holland Seminar Asian Challenges Dutch Solutions
Invitation Holland Network Cocktail

We will be happy to see you!





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