Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to inform you that the XII International Specialized Exhibition-Fair of modern equipment and technologies for agriculture “Uzbekistan Agrotech Expo” will be held in 30 May – 02 June 2017 in Tashkent in the central pavilion of the national exhibition company “Uzexpocentre”.
As you know, Uzbekistan possesses an enormous potential for production of different kinds of agricultural products, especially horticultural products which possess a high quality taste and export opportunities. In order to develop this area actively our farmers are interested in attracting advanced experiences and technological equipment.
Exhibition has been conducted successfully since 2006 and it has been visited by members of more than 500 companies from all over the world including countries of Europe, Israel, South Korea, China, Turkey and others. More than 60 thousand representatives of small businesses, agricultural companies, farmers and other specialists attended this exhibition. As a result, more than 4 thousand contracts for purchasing of exhibited equipment were signed among participants of exhibitions.
Exhibition includes the following thematic divisions: “Fruit processing equipment, “Meat, fish, poultry and diary products processing”, “Milk processing”, “Veterinary”, “Bakery and macaroni production”, “Labeling, polygraphic and packaging equipment”, “Freezing technologies”, “Chemicals for plant protection, syringes”, “Greenhouse equipment”, “Beekeeping”, “Equipment for in-house (cottage) production (sewing machines, carpet production and etc.)”. Exhibition comprise of thematic seminars on abovementioned areas.
Application Form
Reply Fax Sheet
Information regarding price for rent and construction of exhibition booths and attendant services
For additional information please contact:
Phone: (+99871) 238-97-10, 238-97-11 Fax: (+99871) 238-53-80
For more information please visit or contact us via e-mail to
Participation in exhibition is your shortest way to Uzbek market!
On behalf of Organizing Committee
Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, Chamber of Commerce, Association of farmers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSK “UZTADBIRKOREXPORT”
1, Uzbekistan Street, Tashkent, 100029
tel: (+998 71) 238 97 10, 238 97 11
www., e-mail:
Hét evenement voor machinebouwers in de foodindustrie op het gebied van hygiëne, (voedsel-)veiligheid en regelgeving!
Lees verderBent u geïnteresseerd in handel, innovatie of kennisuitwisseling met Japan? Kom dan naar de informatieve bijeenkomst op donderdag 16 mei van 8.30 - 11.00 uur in Utrecht. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats bij Metro City Kitchen, Jaarbeursplein Utrecht. Tijdens de bijeenkomst worden onder andere de resultaten van de marktstudie in Japan op de thema’s alternatieve eiwitten en gezonde voeding gepresenteerd.
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