Select USA Investment Summit

10-06-2019 - 12-06-2019

Washington, DC

The U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands will lead a delegation of Dutch companies to the 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington, DC, June 10 – 12, 2019. The Summit is focused on helping Dutch companies grow in the United States. Learn all about incorporating, visa matters, incentives, and hear the latest trends and opportunities directly from C-level speakers and U.S. Secretaries. USDA, CFIUS, other Federal Agencies, and all 50 states will exhibit at the Summit so you can easily walk from one state to the other to get all the information you need. Industry Sectors include; Agriculture, Aerospace, Advanced Manufacturing, Biotech, Digital Economy, Energy, Infrastructure, Retail, and Tech. There will be dedicated industry pavilions to connect you to the right players in the market. This is the Summit you must attend if you’re growing your business in the U.S. More information and registration at or contact Philip Hammerstein at the U.S. Embassy,

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Fruit Tech Campus, Oudenhof 40, 4191 NW Geldermalsen

GMV Algemene Ledenvergadering

Algemene Ledenvergadering, exclusief voor GMV-leden.

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Kas Meeting Eventlocatie, Woerden

Save The Date | Food Systems Safety Day 6 november 2024

Hét evenement voor machinebouwers in de foodindustrie op het gebied van hygiëne, (voedsel-)veiligheid en regelgeving!

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Metro City Kitchen, Jaarbeursplein Utrecht

Ontbijtbijeenkomst World Expo 2025: alternatieve eiwitten en gezonde voeding

Bent u geïnteresseerd in handel, innovatie of kennisuitwisseling met Japan? Kom dan naar de informatieve bijeenkomst op donderdag 16 mei van 8.30 - 11.00 uur in Utrecht. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats bij Metro City Kitchen, Jaarbeursplein Utrecht. Tijdens de bijeenkomst worden onder andere de resultaten van de marktstudie in Japan op de thema’s alternatieve eiwitten en gezonde voeding gepresenteerd.

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