Predictive & remote mainenance als business

Exclusief voor GMV leden: Summer Event, Tuesday 20 June 2017

“How predictive & remote maintenance will impact your global business development activities”

Immediate Registration
Locatiom: Havenhuis, Zaha Hadidplein 1, 2030 Antwerpen
Route & Park

GMV, & The Belgian Food & Beverage Technology Club, are teaming up to organise a summer event in the “Havenhuis” in Antwerp. Please record in your agenda Tuesday June 20th 2017 at 14.00 including following hot issue:

 How predictive & remote maintenance can support your global business development activities.  Create added value for your customers.



Registration & coffee



Welcome word – Belgian Food & Beverage Technology Club

Ann Dhont, President

Francois de Hemptinne, Director


Introdution GMV, Dutch Food Processing Systems

Marcel van Haren, Director GMV


Predictive & remote Maintenance … Customer added values for the future

Staf Seurinck, Vice President Robots & Motion Division, ABB Benelux


Fieldlab CAPELLA – a way to a 100{79a1d8301988f39a8c3c8f67223bbd83ba5671ad737bd97a5fd6a78f8aad5391} predictable performance in the Food Processing Industry

Johan Treur, Fieldlab Capella


Ron de Keersmaeker, Managing Director Tetra Pak (invited)

Predictive Maintenance in Business

16.00 ViuMore & J-tec Plant. Live demo Remote Maintenance
16.40 Networking Coctail
18.00 Closing 

Want to join us?

We look forward meeting you on this joint Summer Event.

Please register before June the 16th by using this weblink.

The participation is free of charge (by invitation only !) but registration is mandatory.

This network event is free of charge. Have you registered and are you not able to come? We hope to welcome your colleague. No-show fee is €250,-

Marcel van Haren                                           François de Hemptinne
GMV                                                                     Food & Beverage Technology Club

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