Conference The Hague – NO MORE FOOD TO WASTE

NmFtWWhy a Food Loss and Waste Conference.

Food Loss and Waste (FLW) vary by region and product. In general, developing or low income countries show relatively large food losses in the early stages of the food supply chain, with decreasing loss levels in consecutive stages; more than 40{79a1d8301988f39a8c3c8f67223bbd83ba5671ad737bd97a5fd6a78f8aad5391} of the food losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels. This is mostly due to poor infrastructure and undeveloped production. In developed or high-income countries a reverse trend is observed: relatively large waste occurs at the downstream end of the chain, primarily during manufacturing and at the household level. To achieve global food security while protecting our natural resources, we must then improve the sustainability of the food system. Reducing FLW is crucial to achieving these goals and is increasingly garnering international attention.

The Global Conference NO MORE FOOD TO WASTE aims to reduce food loss and waste and improve sustainability through collaborative actions across the supply chain. It will provide the opportunity to actualize the business case for reducing Food Loss and Waste and create a platform to share experiences, unite initiatives, scale up best practices and launch or strengthen alliances.

What is in the program?
The program is designed to encourage interactive discussions between different sectors and interests to tackle the greatest challenges facing FLW. The conference will focus on how to use the shared understanding to develop action oriented partnerships, frameworks for existing and new financing mechanisms, and models for good governance.

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

African Livestock Exhibition & Congress (ALEC)

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