On April 21st we welcome you to the 3D Food Printing Conference at Innovatoren in Venlo, the Netherlands; the innovative networking event for everyone involved in 3D printing and the food industry.
The 3D Food Printing Conference offers design and engineering professionals the chance to learn and meet the possibilities of 3D printing in the food industry. The following topics will be covered during the conference:
The cutting edge program will include keynotes and a wide range of break out presentations. Next to these inspiring presentations, the 3D Food Printing Conference features a lunch and networking reception to create the ideal opportunity to network in an open setting. Enhance your knowledge, expand your network!
Who should attend this conference?
Suppliers to the food industry | agricultural industry | hardware and software suppliers | food research institutions | health care professionals | hospitality and catering professionals | trendwatchers | foodpreneurs | certification and food safety institutions.
Related conferences
The 3D Food Printing Conference is part of a series of 3D printing conferences, organized by Jakajima. Find out more about the 3D Content Conference and the 3D Design & Engineering Conference.
Hét evenement voor machinebouwers in de foodindustrie op het gebied van hygiëne, (voedsel-)veiligheid en regelgeving!
Lees verderBent u geïnteresseerd in handel, innovatie of kennisuitwisseling met Japan? Kom dan naar de informatieve bijeenkomst op donderdag 16 mei van 8.30 - 11.00 uur in Utrecht. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats bij Metro City Kitchen, Jaarbeursplein Utrecht. Tijdens de bijeenkomst worden onder andere de resultaten van de marktstudie in Japan op de thema’s alternatieve eiwitten en gezonde voeding gepresenteerd.
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